Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pet Rental Business Survey

Please answer the following questions by opening a comments window:
1. Do you currently own a pet?
2. If not, why not?
3. If you could rent a dog or cat for the weekend, would you do it?
4. How much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pet rental?

Thank you.


  1. 1. Yes
    2. N/A
    3. Unlikely, since it may not get along with my dog. Being an animal lover, I have pet sat for free before.
    4. I think fair market value is $1 a pound. :P

  2. 1. No
    2. Too much responsibility--if i go on vacation, i have to get someone to feed the animal. Food costs. My living situation is not super-stable.
    3. If it was the same animal each time, then yes. Otherwise, I'm inclined to say no.
    4. $25

  3. oops, i mean $25/day or $50 per weekend

  4. 1. No
    2. Animals are not allowed in my apartment complex.
    3. Yes, I'd rent a dog, preferably a puppy. Girls love puppies and there are plenty of parks downtown filled with potential.
    4. Good question. I guess it would depend on the appearance and personality of the dog, or puppy in this case. The better the dog, the more attention from puppy loving females.

  5. 1. No
    2. Have to pay a $400 deposit to have a pet at my apartment, among other hassles.
    3. Heck yea. (One time I picked up a stray cat and had it live with me for a weekend, it was great.)
    4. $25 for a weekend. I'm a cheapwad.
