Wednesday, December 16, 2009


- I read that 22 of the states that have outlawed texting while driving offer some type of service that allows you to receive live traffic updates to your cell phone...

- I saw that a restaurant will soon be opening in San Francisco (United States) that is going to call itself a Brasserie...

OK...I have to add an edit as I am told that the irony of an American restaurant calling itself Brasserie has been missed. The irony is in the definition of brasserie plus that fact that the place is in the United States. You see, a brasserie is "an unpretentious restaurant" IN FRANCE! In the US, a brasserie is a pretentious restaurant, or at the very least, a pretentiously named restaurant. Have I made my point?

OK... A final word on this subject as someone has now told me that they could come up with lots of ironies that are better than these ironies. To this is I say "so what?". These were just a couple of ironies that struck me one day and so I jotted them down. This post was written more in the spirit of a tweet as opposed to being a literary composition on Irony with a capital I. Please look at my blog. This is not literature. It's confessions from the research department.